Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Follow up!!

Alright... so I just got out of my phone interview and all things considered I think it went really well.... except for the fact that I'm pretty sure I giggled somewhat incessantly throughout the interview. Well not giggled per say, but I was focusing on trying to smile throughout the interview as all the tips suggested and I think it came across kind of strange. We'll see how it goes though, I should be hearing about it shortly.

So now here goes my new found perspective on phone interviews. While they are extremely different from face-to-face interviews, you need to treat it as if they're the same. I think this is where I fell short. Things were very relaxed and it was extremely difficult for me to remain professional throughout it felt like a conversation and not really an interview. Here are my modified tips!!

- USE A CDC INTERVIEW ROOM!!! This eliminates distractions and places you in a professional environment which definitely helped me a lot.
- Take notes on important points.
- Try to smile... but keep the giggling under control.
- Speak in complete sentences (this might seem like a DUH point but it's still useful!)
- I printed out correspondences I had with my interviewers via email (for their names, positions and well just because I could)
- I also printed out the quick glance facts sheet available on their company website
- I had a copy of my unofficial transcript lying around as well as the tips on phone interviewing sheet.

Anyway, I should be hearing within the next few weeks (they're deciding before the holidays) and I'll let you know how it goes. I'm going to work on my thank you notes very shortly, and I am keeping my fingers crossed!!

Also if you are going to be away C-Term, be prepared to have a phone interview!! Don't let being out of the country impact your job search. Companies understand that you are abroad and most are willing to set up alternate options for interviews.

I hope you all are having luck in your job search! This sounds super cliche but if you spend 10 minutes a day on your job search you will greatly increase your chances of finding a job you really love. Get to it!

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