Friday, February 6, 2009

About the Career Fair....

So another Career Fair has come and gone and I have to say I had incredibly good intentions for this week. But school got in the way and my labs ran long so I didn't get a chance to check out the fair. Career Fairs are in my opinion one of the greatest ways to get your foot into a company, give them a face to match to your resume before you sit for an interview. All that being said, if you just so happen to be like me, don't give up hope for an internship or full time position! Keep checking in on your JobFinder account because there are new positions posted everyday. I know a few of the companies I am hoping to intern with over the summer have yet to post their positions, but I am going to keep my eyes open for any opportunities that may come up. I'll keep you up to date on my quest.

And now it is time for my shameless plug... I have far too many friends who are Juniors or Seniors asking me how to get started on their resume... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come in and visit the counselors at the CDC, even if you think you have no relevant experience to list on it, they work miracles let me tell you (yes Freshmen and Sophomores I am talking to you the "but I haven't worked before" excuses don't cut it as you have more experience than you know, it all depends on how you look at it.)

On a similar note: JobFinder is another resource I know a lot of my friends have yet to discover, or else they set it up and forgot about it. If you have yet to set up your account, go here and go to the link in the middle of the page to set it up. It only takes 2 minutes and is utterly painless I promise you. If it has been a while since you used it and have no idea what your email address is, stop by the CDC and they can reset it for you, AND give you information on the best ways to utilize your account. In addition to job postings there are also useful handouts and podcasts to help you in your search.

I hope you all had a good time at the Career Fair!

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