Friday, January 30, 2009

Career Fair Preparations

The career fair is less than a week away, and there is oh so much to do. In theory by this point, I have re-touched my resume, researched the companies attending, and perused the job opportunities available but per usual I have procrastinated. I guess I just keep thinking that the summer is still quite a few months away and that I have all the time in the world to figure these things out....... :-) well I can dream right? Luckily, the CDC has a ton of resources that will make my life a whole lot easier.

I just have to say that I really like my resume. Before the fall career fair I got it critiqued by both the CDC counselors and by a recruiter, which gave me a few different perspectives on it, and now I just have to find a way to squish a few more details onto the page and then I think I'll be golden as far as that is concerned.

The research shouldn't really take too long either, because I can check out which companies are attending the career fair through JobFinder, and look up their profiles to see what majors they're looking for. If you go into the fair prepared with some form of a plan, it will make the whole process go so much smoother, think of it like shopping on Black Friday: you need to plan out a path and see which stops you want to make along the way (ok that made more sense in my head but you get the analogy). The layout of the fair is not available til the day of the fair, but I figure if I know where I want to go, I can determine the rest of my plan of attack before heading in.

I'm really not positive on what type of job I am looking for, which I think is the biggest hurdle I have to overcome before the fair. I am a Mechanical Engineering major, and I have had an awesome internship in the past, but I wasn't doing the type of work I hope to do when I graduate (which I'm still unsure of). I have my eye on either alternative energy or robotics, but in reality I just want to get as much experience as I can at this point. I'm going into the career fair with an open mind and I'll let you know how it goes!

Other than that I just think I need to find an iron and then I think I'll be good. Here's my random tip for the day: bring some type of small bag to the career fair, you'll thank me later and you won't loose those crucial business cards.

Good luck and thanks for reading!

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