Monday, February 16, 2009

Let the interviews begin...

So it is that time of year again... the time when we all start realizing that summer is closer than it seems and we need to figure out what we are doing, in short find jobs. The interview process is beginning and I am not sure where I am going to start. I've gotten a few emails so far from the CDC with jobs that I specifically qualify for, and I must say a few of them look like great opportunities, I just really want to stay close to home for the summer, and most of them would require me living fairly far away. That being said I still think I am going to apply for those positions and see what happens, who knows maybe I just need to be more open to different possibilities. I guess we'll find out!

Also, if you happen to be starting to look at jobs and consequentially interviews, and are nervous or have any questions, stop by the CDC any time and you can find all sorts of resources, or set up a mock interview to not only get practice interviewing but also you can review your interview to see your strong points and see areas you might want to improve. It's a great opportunity especially if you have never been in an interview before because you'll be more prepared when you start having interviews with companies.

Anyways best of luck to you all!!

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