Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Last time I wrote I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.... it might comes as a huge surprise that nothing has changed on that front.

On the other hand I do in fact have an MQP!!!!! The professor is hands down one of the best to work with and I'll be working for a prominent company in my field. The slight downside is that I'll be doing manufacturing-type work and I won't be innovating things as much as I had hoped, but I still think that it will work out great! The networking opportunities alone are extremely exciting as even though I feel like I interview decently, this will give me a chance to prove myself to a potential employer. It kind of feels like everything is pointing me in a certain direction... and it's REALLY tempting to just go into the manufacturing world, and see what happens, but I'm not sure. I've still got some time to think about it... but the more I think... the less time I have.

Also... does anyone else feel like apartment searches are far too much like job hunting?

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