Monday, May 4, 2009

Soooo close

Summer is approximately 22.75 hours away from me as of this moment... but I'm not counting or anything like that. It's been a while since I've last posted, mainly due to finals and me being wicked sick (and before you ask I do not have the swine flu). Not much has changed in the status of my IQP, I do have a partner though so at least I won't be doing it by myself. I'm really excited except for one gigantic hitch - financial aid STILL hasn't gotten back to me, so I don't know if I can actually do this or not. That's beside the point and I am changing the subject before I start ranting though....

I am however looking for an MQP for next year. I've recently decided I want to be a double major and where *crosses fingers* I'll be getting my IQP done before the start of Junior year, I'm hoping to space the two apart so I'm not juggling two MQP's plus all the 4000 level courses I need to graduate senior year. We'll see though as I still have no idea what I want to do for it and can't really talk to my advisor until A-Term.... it's a struggle basically.

Now to the cheerful side of this entry - IT'S ALMOST SUMMER!!!!!! Needless to say I was sitting in class today with one of my good friends and all of a sudden realized that I was less than 24 hours away from being half way through my time here at WPI. I almost screamed... in class... but I didn't. I mean it's really scary to think about. I still consider myself "barely not a freshman" but at the same time feel like I've been here working like crazy forever, and I can't decide if it's taken eons for the past two years to go by or seconds. Either way, they've been an... interesting two years filled with a ton of memories, some good, some bad, some hilarious, some hilarious for anyone but me :-), and some pretty amazing people I've met along the way. I guess here's to the next two years... may they be as interesting as the past two. Cheers!!

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