Thursday, April 9, 2009

Is it summer yet???

So D-Term has finally hit me in the usual way - like a ton of bricks. I have gotten just about every illness going around campus over the past 2 weeks, but am finally getting somewhat better (word of advise TAKE AIRBORNE OR VITAMINS OR WHATEVER cause being sick at a school with terms is miserable... not that you didn't already know that). In other news, my practicum is coming to an end, which is sad for so many reasons, but at the same time, I'm SOOOO glad that it will be over so I can get some sleep and go back to focusing on my other courses. I'm also working on getting this summer all figured out. I think my on-campus IQP will happen which is such a better fit for me than going abroad. Money's tight and I need the extra term, I'm going to have an apartment, and some of my closest friends are going to be in Worcester for the summer. When you add in the fact that I have worked my advisor before and am doing a project I would probably end up doing anyway, I know it's a great fit for me. I just need to figure out all the details and paperwork and all of those shenanigans before I get my heart set on it...

Anyways that's all I've got for today... now if I could only fit a nap into my schedule....

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